Agreement of Verb Worksheet

Agreement of Verb Worksheet: A Guide for Effective Writing

The agreement of verb worksheet is an essential tool for writers who want to create effective and polished pieces of content. It helps ensure that the subject and verb of a sentence agree in terms of number, tense, and other grammatical considerations. Using this worksheet will help you avoid common mistakes in writing and improve the clarity and coherence of your work.

What is verb agreement?

Verb agreement is the process of ensuring that the verb in a sentence matches the subject in terms of number and tense. For example, in the sentence “The cat catches the mouse,” the subject (cat) is singular, and the verb (catches) is also singular. In contrast, in the sentence “The cats catch the mice,” the subject (cats) is plural, and the verb (catch) is also plural.

Why is verb agreement important?

Verb agreement is crucial because it helps to ensure that your writing is clear and concise. When the subject and verb of a sentence do not agree, it can lead to confusion and misunderstanding on the part of the reader. For example, if you write “The cat catch the mouse,” your reader may be unsure whether you mean that one or more cats caught the mouse.

How to use the verb agreement worksheet?

The verb agreement worksheet is a simple tool that can be used to ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct. The worksheet typically includes a series of exercises that provide practice in matching subjects and verbs. The exercises may involve selecting the correct verb for a given subject or completing a sentence with the appropriate verb form.

To use the worksheet effectively, start by reviewing the rules of verb agreement. These rules include:

– Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.

– The verb must agree with the subject in number, person, and tense.

– Collective nouns take singular or plural verbs, depending on the context.

– Compound subjects connected by “and” take plural verbs, while subjects joined by “or” or “nor” take singular verbs.

Next, work through the exercises on the worksheet, paying close attention to the subject-verb agreement in each case. If you are unsure about the correct verb form, consult a grammar reference book or online resource for guidance.

The benefits of using the verb agreement worksheet

Using the verb agreement worksheet can help you improve your writing in several ways. First, it can help you avoid common mistakes in verb agreement, such as using the wrong verb form or failing to match the subject and verb correctly. Second, it can help you develop an intuitive sense of what sounds right in terms of verb agreement, which can be useful in other aspects of writing and editing. And finally, it can help you build your grammar skills in general, making you a more confident and effective writer.


The agreement of verb worksheet is an essential tool for any writer who wants to improve their grammar skills and produce clear, effective writing. By practicing verb agreement exercises and paying close attention to subject-verb matching, you can avoid common mistakes in writing and create content that is easy to read and understand. So the next time you`re writing, be sure to consult the verb agreement worksheet to ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and polished.